Cactus Canyon Math Team

AJUSD is excited to share the accomplishments of its math students at the 18th Annual Central Arizona College Middle School Math Contest, held on November 3, 2023. The Cactus Canyon Junior High (CCJH) math team, composed of Aiden Baker, Colin Hooper, Emily Mitchell, Charlie Rojas Bedolla, and Hudson Myers, demonstrated amazing problem-solving skills and clinched a commendable 4th place in this prestigious competition.

The CCJH team not only showcased their mathematical prowess but also embraced the full experience of the event. Overcoming initial nerves, they engaged with fellow students who share a passion for mathematics. The competition also provided a unique platform for the students to explore the college campus, delving into the mathematical aspects of its design, including landscaping choices, all under the guidance of their Coach, Kathleen Donlan, affectionately known as “Ms. D.”

A standout moment during the event occurred when Emily Mitchell, a talented 7th-grade student, played a beautiful piece on a campus piano. Mitchell's performance not only highlighted her musical talent but also added a relaxing touch to the experience for the CCJH team.

Dr. Pappalardo, Superintendent of AJUSD, expressed his pride in the students' accomplishments, saying, "The dedication and enthusiasm displayed by our CCJH math team are truly commendable. Their success in the Central Arizona College Math Contest reflects the exceptional quality of education and commitment to excellence within our district."

Kathleen Donlan, AJUSD’s Mathematics Instructional Coach, echoed this sentiment, saying, "We are thrilled with the performance of our students in the competition. Their willingness to step out of their comfort zones, engage in meaningful discussions, and appreciate the mathematical intricacies of the college campus is a testament to their passion for math and learning."

The CCJH math team's wonder-filled experience was honored during the AJUSD Board Meeting on November 14th, where a certificate ceremony recognized their achievements. The students’ families were invited to attend and share in the celebration of the team’s success. As the CCJH math team reflects on this accomplishment, they look forward to future competition opportunities, with eyes set on even more growth and success in the world of mathematics.